Bouquet Over Austin
Bouquet Over Austin
Austin Zoom
Austin Zoom
Bats in the Sky
Bats in the Sky
Digital City
Digital City
Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass
Under Construction
Under Construction
Bouquet Over Austin
Bouquet Over AustinThis photograph is composed of over 50 different firework photographs, a photograph of the supermoon, and a very large panorama of downtown Austin.
Austin Zoom
Austin ZoomA manual long-exposure zoom of the city of Austin across the lake.
Bats in the Sky
Bats in the SkyAn exercise in perspective.
Digital City
Digital CityManual long-exposure zoom of Austin at night, featuring the lights of the city.
Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking GlassLooking at downtown Austin as though through a periscope or set of binoculars.
Under Construction
Under ConstructionAustin seems to be under construction all the time. So I made a photograph of the city emphasizing the ever-changing nature of the skyline.
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